Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Truth Tuesday [#4]

I didn't blog at all last week because I had the week off, and I do
not have internet at home!  Crazy? Uhm, maybe for some... I haven't had internet or cable for a year now! And I LOVE it! I feel like this era is all about technology, and these giants are "enforcing" (more like brain-washing)  people into believing that they need to have all these fancy gadgets for everyday (24/7) purposes of life. They are trying SO HARD to place these items into our daily routines, that soon it'll be "normal." Like school, I don't  understand why you have to have a laptop/ipad to take notes on. Good old pen and paper for me, please. 

How do you feel about technology and its purpose (if any) in daily life?


  1. Sometimes I feel so frustrated because everything is up to technology... But laptop and internet is so strong part of my day nowadays, I can't fight against it anymore :D


  2. OMGosh! I was just venting about this on Twitter...(kind of, lol) but I have been in the same boat. My beau has been getting onto me about how addicted I am to my phone(and all the gadgets with it like Twitter, Blogger, FB, Words with friends...etc). I need to take an internet vacation soon. This is definitely the TRUTH.

  3. Oh my, how I couldn't agree more with you! I am very old fashioned and LOVE it! :)

  4. @fashionfreak/mihaela: i know, i am sorry! september will be international :)

  5. @michele: my man was the one who mentioned this to me a few months ago..and he said the exact same thing as your beau! that i was addicted to my blakberry and all its apps! sooo guess whaaa?? i went back to a "regular" old phone!! yeah..no apps..no internet..nada..and it's been AWESOME!!! :)

  6. I didn't have cable for years, its funny cause people talk about shows from 2002-2006 and i dont know what theyre talking about! Ya sabes como me siento sobre facebook. I think its very strange that just because you went to high school with someone, or your paths crossed once in life, that it gives them a window into your life. I didn't like how people were replacing regular communication with it. Like people would try and make plans with me on my wall! I got rid of it and now just have my bloggy, tweety, and email. Thats enough. Blogging is for fellow bloggers, not creeps I knew in high school. And this is my truth mujer.

  7. i think technology exist to help us progress.

  8. wow. that is very brave of you to uphold your world without internet at home, and even though there is a comical appeal to even saying that-- our dependency on the internet and social media is as vital to some as food and water. As I read this, I couldn't help but think of how much I rely on the internet to function on a day to day basis. Hence, what you are doing is brave and cool! I commend you. xo
    Des, Mano y Metal.

  9. Thanks for the heads up on the giveaways. :) Also... about not having internet at home. My hubby & I haven't had it for the last 2 years BUT we're going to finally give in for work. We were just fine w/o it. We do NOT have cable... don't plan on it either.

  10. i bet this is liberating! I did the whole no cable thing for 6 months and got so much done!! crazy how much time tv takes of yr life!

    xo C

  11. I've been off for three days and this is the first I've been online. I'm really enjoying my time away from technology, sometimes it just sucks me in!

  12. Wow that's so amazing!

    p.s: check out my giveaway!

  13. Interesting topic! I rarely if ever watch tv but I won't lie, the Internet and email is a big part of my day!

  14. I prefer taking notes with a pen and paper too!

  15. Que Buena reflexión! Yo si soy de las q se deja llevar y necesita tecnología pero de vez en cuando 1 descanso esta mas que bien! :)

  16. i agree with you dear:*

    enter me please.

    gfc: andrewtza_luv
    fb: andreea ema


    hope is ok

  17. Puedo participar en tu sorteo? creo que has venido a avisarme.Besos.

  18. GFC: Life as A Southern Girl
    E-mail: TiffanyLynn88@aol.com
    FB name: Tiffany Charpentier Suire

  19. I totally agree with you. People sometimes laugh because I'm hi-tech illiterate, but its never really been my thing. And those books that you read by using those lil' comp things.... no thanks! Give me a book from a bookstore please. Btw, your blog is great! I've always loved that quote about style that you have up there. I am now following :)


Thanks for leaving the positive vibes! Many besos,bendiciones and buenas vibras. I will be sure to send them back!xo