Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Dove Movement for Self-Esteem #Doveinspired

Although society has manipulated many into believing that beauty only comes in one form; looks, it is completely false. I find it ridiculous that the majority of girls, and women on television/ads are always skinny. 

Especially taunting was the Victoria Secret "I love my body campaign," instead of making women feel secure and safe in their own body, I bet this campaign did the exact opposite and made many of us feel insecure. I know I was caught up in it for a minute and thought out loud "I'd love to have their body," feeling insecure and anxiety about my own body. Quickly my husband replied "Well I love your body just the way it is, and I wouldn't change anything about it."  Pop! He brought me back to my reality, I do love my body, every bump, lump, bulge, whatever you wanna call it, I own it, and LOVE it. Beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety. 

Months later, I came across the Dove "Real Beauty Campaign," and girl, I felt like I fit right in with that crew. They were gorgeous, and to see the different sizes and how confident they looked, made me feel so secure and confident too! Dove really nailed it with their "Real Beauty Campaign." They stated the REALITY, beauty comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes. 

Did you know that anxiety about looks begins at an early age and holds girls back from reaching their full potential. According to Dove global research, 72 percent of girls (ages 10-17) feel tremendous pressure to be beautiful and  Only 11 percent of girls (ages 10-17) are comfortable using the word beautiful to describe themselves.

Everyone has the opportunity to make a difference is a girl's self-esttem. I often have conversations with my husband about beauty; how it's perceived in the media, what beauty is in reality, how to feel/accept and love our body, what is/isn't healthy and most importantly, how we will discuss/portray beauty with our children in the future. Did you know that more than half of girls globally say their mother is their number one female role model (66 percent U.S., 59 percent Canada).

I strongly encourage you to take action and start a conversation about beauty with the girls and women in your life, it can make a world of difference.  You can find out more about Dove's Beauty and Self-Esteem initiative by visiting Vive Mejor and Vive Mejor’s Hablemos (Let’s Talk) information page, where you will find tools that will help you motivate and inspire all the girls in your life.

Dove invites women across the U.S. to participate in the Dove Self-Esteem Weekend, taking place October 5-7 nationwide.
  • Dove partner organizations will host events nationwide
  • Walmart stores will have designated areas within the store where visitors can share a message of encouragement to girls
  • he Kroeger Co. will host a self-esteem event in Cincinnati for local members of Boys & Girls Clubs
Let's talk about beauty and self-esteem!
Join program expert, People en Espanol columnist and parenting expert Jeannette Torres-Alvarez TODAY, Thursday October 4th, from 7-8 pm EST on Facebook chat, to talk about  beauty and self-esteem. To join the chat visit

Disclosure: This post is compensated and in collaboration with DOVE and Latina Bloggers Connect. OPINIONS ARE MY OWN.


  1. AHHHH...this topic gets under my skin. It's hard because the fashion industry (that I love) is pretty one directional, hard minded and stubborn when it comes to this. I struggle with body issues too, it's good to have positive people in our lives that will remind us we are beautiful just the we we are.

    I think you look amazing!!

    xo Carlina

  2. So true Nina! I love my body with all its flaws! But it is so sad to see so many women that aren´t happy beacause they have been influenced by the fashion world and media. Since "skinny" has become the new black even clothing companies have a marketing strategy called: Vanity Sizing.

    I wrote about here:

    We should love our bodies!!!!!

  3. You go, girl! It's good to see another blogger taking a stand against the distorted notions of beauty in the world. We are all fabulous and completely unique! It's not an easy place to get to, but when you find that happy place, you want everyone else to get there too! Let's hope someday every girl will be happy with their body.


  4. What you wrote is so true!! the fashion world places so much emphasis on being healthy = skinny and its not the case, healthy girl may or may not have curves because each of us is individual! great inspiration!
    thanks for sharing!

    if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin :)
    let me know!

  5. lovely post x **New Follower**

  6. This is so helpful


Thanks for leaving the positive vibes! Many besos,bendiciones and buenas vibras. I will be sure to send them back!xo